W0201 10:40:36.949504 624 client_config.go:614] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.
0 users were found with authz.management.cattle.io/bootstrapping=admin-user label. They are . Can only reset the default admin password when there is exactly one user with this label.
command terminated with exit code 1
出问题原因:出问题之前安装了kubesphere后,再登录rancher的admin账户时,本地登录提示:登录失败: 检查凭据,或者帐户可能无权登录
我是通过Kubernetes install (Helm)安装的rancher,使用命令重置密码,提示: 0 users were found with authz.management.cattle.io/bootstrapping=admin-user label. They are . Can only reset the default admin password when there is exactly one user with this label.