
Rancher Server 设置

  • Rancher 版本:v2.6-07ee5962e0da85c999d8ebb5fddc6fd427068682-head
  • 安装选项 (Docker install/Helm Chart): Docker install
    2022/08/01 02:43:36 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-s56tp failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:44:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-2bnb2 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:45:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-xj9jz failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:46:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-m6r7l failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:47:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-c7kkg failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:48:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-nxhqw failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:49:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-9tzq8 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:50:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-qhxvh failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:51:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-zx2h8 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:52:37 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-l792k failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:53:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-pzwnq failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:54:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-vxxjw failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:55:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-mgk2x failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:56:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-ff7ph failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:57:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-x6zrr failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:58:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-ddvgm failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 02:59:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-jskf5 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:00:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-mj827 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:01:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-g6rxf failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:02:38 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-dkgw7 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:03:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-htd88 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:04:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-pvjt6 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:05:33 [ERROR] error syncing ‘cattle-fleet-system/helm-operation-f57k9’: handler helm-operation: Operation cannot be fulfilled on operations.catalog.cattle.io “helm-operation-f57k9”: StorageError: invalid object, Code: 4, Key: /registry/catalog.cattle.io/operations/cattle-fleet-system/helm-operation-f57k9, ResourceVersion: 0, AdditionalErrorMsg: Precondition failed: UID in precondition: 87455690-bfee-4ee6-8e76-3781368c33be, UID in object meta: , requeuing
    2022/08/01 03:05:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-nslx4 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:06:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-5s7bg failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:07:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-9cvjl failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:08:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-nz76q failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:09:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-xhb27 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:10:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-svhzl failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:11:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-wn54p failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:12:39 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-88zj8 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:13:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-968gk failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:14:34 [ERROR] error syncing ‘cattle-fleet-system/helm-operation-nr7kb’: handler helm-operation: Operation cannot be fulfilled on operations.catalog.cattle.io “helm-operation-nr7kb”: StorageError: invalid object, Code: 4, Key: /registry/catalog.cattle.io/operations/cattle-fleet-system/helm-operation-nr7kb, ResourceVersion: 0, AdditionalErrorMsg: Precondition failed: UID in precondition: 58f29413-35da-4178-9c8e-9abc3a21e5da, UID in object meta: , requeuing
    2022/08/01 03:14:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-c75cd failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:15:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-lkppn failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:16:34 [ERROR] error syncing ‘cattle-fleet-system/helm-operation-n2ndk’: handler helm-operation: Operation cannot be fulfilled on operations.catalog.cattle.io “helm-operation-n2ndk”: StorageError: invalid object, Code: 4, Key: /registry/catalog.cattle.io/operations/cattle-fleet-system/helm-operation-n2ndk, ResourceVersion: 0, AdditionalErrorMsg: Precondition failed: UID in precondition: dd6a8cf3-5e1b-4203-9725-0c515deb9c43, UID in object meta: , requeuing
    2022/08/01 03:16:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-xswxl failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:17:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-tm5t7 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:18:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-m67sn failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:19:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-4c4ks failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:20:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-bzvh5 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:21:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-88tzk failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:22:40 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart rancher-webhook: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-2wt87 failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:23:41 [ERROR] Failed to install system chart fleet-crd: pod cattle-system/helm-operation-rxk7h failed, watch closed
    2022/08/01 03:24:35 [ERROR] error syncing ‘cattle-system/helm-operation-ldncq’: handler helm-operation: Operation cannot be fulfilled on operations.catalog.cattle.io “helm-operation-ldncq”: StorageError: invalid object, Code: 4, Key: /registry/catalog.cattle.io/operations/cattle-system/helm-operation-ldncq, ResourceVersion: 0, AdditionalErrorMsg: Precondition failed: UID in precondition: 050bd8ed-f132-44e1-ba25-73ba2121f3de, UID in object meta: , requeuing

63 pod_workers.go:951] “Error syncing pod, skipping” err=“failed to “CreatePodSandbox” for “helm-operation-xswxl_cattle-system(b2a5ca8f-74d4-4f95-b142-3fe86806fe92)” with CreatePodSandboxError: “Failed to create sandbox for pod \“helm-operation-xswxl_cattle-system(b2a5ca8f-74d4-4f95-b142-3fe86806fe92)\”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: open /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_unprivileged_port_start: no such file or directory: unknown”” pod=“cattle-system/helm-operation-xswxl” podUID=b2a5ca8f-74d4-4f95-b142-3fe86806fe92


  1. 查看你的环境是否支持 rancher 2.6 ,参考:Support matrix | SUSE
  2. 你使用的 rancher 版本是 v2.6-07ee5962e0da85c999d8ebb5fddc6fd427068682-head,这个是我们开发的版本,不适合测试和生产,请使用 stable 或 latest 版本
